Tuesday, 19 May 2015

And we are back!

So...after last weeks attempt to get back on the wagon we are still going alright after a few days! For those of you who care and are following the journey (probably nobody out there, that s alright not the point of the blog really it is more for my own sake) we are back into action.

After the weekend we had a few ups and downs consuming lollies and kebabs and beer but you get that. Back into action yesterday and we went pretty much the entire day with no carbs! Even turned down the best looking desserts ever at bible study last night. Brownies and apple crumble and choclate pudding and ice cream and orange and poppy seed cakes. You have come a long way when you can turn down all those home baked goods that smell so nice.

In better news, I am back to where I was a month ago. Back around the 114.5 kg mark. Only 14 to go now. But I am genuinely surprised how quickly I returned here as I was up around 116 a week and a half ago so thought it might take a few weeks to drop it again. So it is like being back at the start and we just progress from here. Trying to squeeze in the execise really helps. Last week I managed 5 days which is good and I am playing soccer which I enjoy so that makes it really fun as well. I do end up sore afterwards but it is fun!

Friday, 15 May 2015

Humans are weird...

So I got back on the proverbial horse this week and decided to try and get some exercise in. It was good I tried to get back into the c25k program on my phone. It is an app that supposedly can get you from the couch to running 5kms in 8 weeks or something like that. It had been a month since I had done any decent exercise or been to the gym so I was not looking forward to starting again but the sooner you start the easier it gets...yeah right thats what they tell you anyway. It is actually way easier to just not start and not do anything really lets be honest but points for persevering and getting back into it.
so the plan was eat healthy and exercise this week. That went ok. The eating healthy part not too great as coffee rules my life. I am trying to give up carbs but the odd sweet here and there and coffee just takes over me and I give in. Next week we are going to try a new tactic of not taking my wallet to uni so I cannot give into temptation. Only problem there is cardless cash with my phone is always an option so I will have to have some will power and self control. Really I need to tighten the old budget as I am low on the old savings due to purchasing a new washing machine so if there was ever a time to tighten the belt and save money and my waistline it is now so I will aim to start next week again and this time hopefully succeed. In two weeks I am yet to go a full day without carbs which is sad seeing as that is my aim but hey gotta start somewhere right?

But why are humans weird? Well it all comes down to this weeks exercise. My running routine is run for 1 and a half minutes and walk for two and repeat this 6 times. Sounds easy enough. Well I lasted 4 repetitions and nearly died which was alright considering I had not done anything. Tuesday I had soccer training which was death as well. Wednesday I went to do my running routine again and couldn't fully complete one repetition before I got shin splints and had to stop. Friday once again I went in there to do the running and was aiming to do at least 4 repetitions again but I managed to do all 6...only just but I did do it. So waht the flip? how does that even work? How can I barely do 1 rep then two days later do all 6? I am so confused. Next week I am going to do the same week of running again to make sure my body is used to it before going up to the next level.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Falling off the bandwagon

Somewhere out there somebody came up with a saying one time, falling off the bandwagon. Now honestly I have no idea what a bandwagon is but I do know a thing or two about falling off it! When it comes to weight loss and life changing well flip, that is one hard thing to do. My best advice is you will fall off at some stage and if you are like me you will fall off a few times but it is the struggle of getting back on that is important.

What happened to me? Well a few weeks ago it was Easter and I went home to my parents house, then my uni work got heavy, then we had a giant storm where trees were down everywhere and my power was out for a week and all of a sudden I was left with lots of excuses, not much healthy eating occurring and no desire to change it back  for good. But there is hope. Sure I went close to a month almost without caring and I put back on 1.5kgs of my hard work. But this is the week we get back on again and start. This week we try to give up carbs and sugar and push forward. This is the week that we need to cause there is only 4 weeks of uni left and once uni is on break I have no routine and I will struggle more.

For me the secret is to keep busy. I obsess over things in my mind so dieting sucks cause when I give up sugar all I can think about is sugar the entire time. Makes it hard but also makes it so much more rewarding when I achieve it as if you can give something up that you are constantly thinking about then you must have finally developed self control!

So keep going guys. Keep pushing on cause I am on struggle street to but we are in this together!